We’ve all been in this situation; have a pile of business cards from people we’ve met and have to get the contact info into our database. What a pain! Here at Winco, we are trying to make that a little easier for people by making our business cards a little intelligent, with the use of […]
Labeling Ideas
Browse through these labeling ideas to learn more about how you can utilize labeling machinery for you specific product requirements. Labeling machinery is versatile to accommodate diverse applications. View these articles to learn about labelers and labeling machinery along with labeling solutions.
David’s Tech Tip – Make BarTender and Excel Behave
If you read Labeling News regularly, you’ll have noticed that I’m a fan of BarTender, the label design and printing software. As well as the fact the product is great (if you buy printed labels from Winco, we’ll have made them using this software), I also like dealing with the company. Having said that, every […]
Datamax RL 4 Printer – How Fast?
We’ve all seen those little videos from the printer manufacturers – you know, the ones that show how little time is needed from sending the data to printing the first label. Well, I happen to have a Datamax-O’Neil RL4 printer sitting on my desk, so I just had to try it out. Not bad, eh? […]
I Don’t Need a Service Plan – Label Printer Repair
How do you take care of service and repair for your barcode label printers? I had a really interesting conversation with one of our good customers today, on the subject of service for their label printers. The company uses a lot of barcode label printers and a couple of years ago decided not to renew the service […]
Label Software – Losing the Network…
A client had a very good question earlier today. He uses a network version of a popular label design software, and wanted to know what would happen if his client installs lost contact with the license server. The license server is an application that the clients need to refer to in order to ensure that […]
Custom Products To Ease Your Labeling
Labels are a big part of many manufacturing processes. Each step through the process can require different labels for different purposes. Some labels need to be removed at some point during manufacturing, while other must remain affixed for the life of the product. Finding the most cost-effective and efficient way to label products in multiple […]
WTO Rules Against COOL
WTO rules that country of origin labeling violates free trade agreements the US has with Canada and Mexico.
Troubleshooting Common Scan Problems
Some quick troubleshooting tips to try when you are having problems scanning your bar codes.
Safe, Secure Prescription Printing
There are many advantages to switching to thermal printing of prescription forms, but securing the rolls of prescription labels is very important – indeed this is covered by a Federal Mandate. Our good friends at Datamax-O’Neil have introduced a new version of their E-Class MkIII which is a great solution to ensure safe and secure […]
How Smart Cards Improve Campus Life
Smart cards have been used in corporations for a long while, and this technology is finding its way into education systems as well. The smart card lets you automate many of the routine tasks of campus life, such as registration, book and meal plan purchases, and campus security. The smart card uses features like radio […]