November 2013 comes to a rapid close with the holidays sure to fill up our time. However, MOvember lives on throughout the year, dedicated to raising awareness for men’s health. It’s so important for everyone to take care of their health, and this is one way, all you “guys who just won’t go to the […]
Back to the Future – Moto’s New RFID Sled
I have to admit, I had a feeling of nostalgia when I saw a press release on Motorola Solutions latest RFID offering, the RFD5500 Sled. Way back in the early days of RFID, the readers we were stuck with included such frustrations as the Matrics AR readers and handheld manufacturers were rushing around trying to […]
Drug Quality and Security Act Signed – Will it Pass?
The healthcare industry remains in the spot light focusing on increased patient safety and controlling escalating associated costs. On November 18, 2013, the U.S. Senate approved the Drug Quality and Security Act (H.R. 3204), which will create a national set of standards to track pharmaceuticals through the distribution chain to help prevent the introduction of […]
FDA Issues GUDID Draft Guidance
Important news for medical device manufacturers who need to label their Class III medical devices. The FDA has issued the Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) draft guidance. This document contains all of the information labelers need to know about submitting data to the database. The GUDID stores key device information, and contains only the […]
Matching a Laser to Your Application
Lasers have been used to mark products in industrial manufacturing for over 25 years. Lasers apply small character codes, like batch numbers, dates, etc.,) to packaged goods in industries such as food, electronics, and pharmaceuticals. The advantages of laser marking are many: you can permanently add the exact same mark to your product without any […]