I must confess that I have not been a huge fan of the M-Class printer in the past. Not for any specific reason, it just has never seemed to be the right fit for most the applications I’ve been involved with. Well, I think times might be changing. Sitting on my desk is the RFID […]
RFID and UID Labeling – Which Printer?
We are often asked for advice on which printer a customer should buy for UID and RFID labeling. To be honest, there isn’t a standard answer to this, since every customer has very different needs and production situations. When a customer has to comply with the labeling rules for MIL-STD-129 and 130, quite often there […]
Siemens UID Verifier
Hands on with the new Siemens MIL-STD-130 Verifiers. Many defense contractors have been using the Siemens UID Verifiers for quality control of their UID marks. The Siemens verifier has become the standard in the industry – indeed all the UID labels we print here at Winco ID are verified using one of these devices. While the Verifier […]
Lockheed Martin RFID Mandate
Suppliers to Lockheed Martin Aeronautics F-35 program are going to be asked to provide RFID labels on shipments starting in late 2008. According to RFID Update, suppliers involved in the program have already been notified of this change. The types of RFID tags and the format of encoding will be very much the same as […]
RFID In Healthcare Market
”Every day I experience life in the world of healthcare IT, supporting 3000 doctors, 18000 faculty, and 3 million patients. In [this] blog I record my experiences with infrastructure, applications, policies, management, and governance as well as muse on such topics such as reducing our carbon footprint, standardizing data in healthcare, and living life to […]