Hey guys, I’ve put some pics of our new Winco family member Luke Machos up on the Labeling News Facebook page. Check him out here!!
New Member of the WincoID Family
Harry Meehan of the WincoID sales team has just become a proud grandfather. Harry and Norma’s daughter Lauren and her husband Kevin have a great little baby boy – Luke Kevin Machos. Luke arrived at 6.11 PM yesterday and weighed in at 8lbs 13 oz and is 21.5 inches long. Congratulations guys!!
Big Thanks – We have the best customers!
Today’s seminar was well attended by nearly 50 people. As the time drew near to get set up and prepare to greet our guests, the room remained locked. There was a traffic accident and delayed the people with the key. Since crawling in the window was not an option, we waited in the hall WITH […]
DoD Labeling Seminar-Complete Workflow
If you are a Prime or subcontractor with a government contract and have to comply with MIL-STD-130, MIL-STD-129, RFID and UID, you will want to know how to get in compliance as painless as possible. WincoID holds seminars (free, of course) throughout the region to 1. help you know if you need to comply and […]
Labeling News at the NH RFID Hearing
Kathy, Linda and I had the opportunity to attend a hearing at the NH House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee where HB 478 was being discussed. This bill is intended to regulate the use of RFID technology in the state and I was asked to testify by the folks at EPC Global. This report is […]