New labeling requirements mean changes in the meat industry and retail stores. A country-of-origin labeling (COOL) mandate that went into effect on March 16, 2009 requires signs or labels on fresh meat products, such as steaks, ground beef, and pork chops. Also affected are fresh chicken products that are sold in retail stores. Meat and […]
Araya Sky Arrives
Perley and Noreen Wheeler, of Winco ID, proudly announce the arrival of their new granddaughter, Araya Sky. Araya is the first grandchild on Noreen’s side but Perley is just as excited as ever, too. Born on April 6, 2009 and weighing in at 7 lbs, 11 oz and 20″ long, Araya lights up the world […]
Our Team & Social Media
These days it is more important than ever for businesses to be able to have good communication with their partners. When I think partners, I’m thinking of the company’s employees, clients, potential clients, suppliers and potential suppliers – I’d also tend to include competitors, industry groups, business groups – really anyone that has a relationship […]
Tradeshows – Should YOU Go?
You may have read about the upcoming area tradeshows featured in Labeling News, but in this slow economy, should you bother investing the time and money to attend one of these shows? Manufacturing a quality product, understanding your customers, and excellent customer service are all key business ingredients. But to maintain success and grow, you […]
RFID Legislative Action
There is an interesting guest article over at RFID-Monthly by Bert Moore of AIM Global. Bert address the issue of the legislation being introduced in some of the States and how it is the duty of the industry to intelligently develop solutions that are functional whilst still addressing the privacy concerns. Read the post here.