One of the things that sets Winco ID apart from other AutoID companies, is our great service team. It is always nice when our clients see this as well. Here’s a nice email we received today: “Hi Linda, Can you please Thank Tom for me, I was in meeting yesterday, he did a great job, […]
Google’s Morse Code Logo
I’m loving Google’s logo today, to celebrate the birthday of Samuel Morse, the inventor of the code that uses those little dots and dashes. I must confess, I had no idea Morse was such an interesting guy. It is well worth while reading his Wikipedia entry. Thanks Google!
Tomlinson On Manufacturing & Stimulating the Economy
“…Economics 101: economic growth occurs with innovation and technological advances, both of which are deeply rooted in manufacturing.” says Mark C. Tomlinson, Executive Director and General Manager, Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He goes on to say, “Now that the financial sector seems to be on its way to detention hall, perhaps Washington can provide tutoring […]
Second Day-Electronics New England
Can UID Labeling really be this fun? Harry and John are enjoying the show. So did a lot of people who made it to the Boston Convention Center. The show is in full swing and reports say there are even more people coming through than yesterday. Our wonderful New England weather may have something to […]
First Day at Nepcon (Tradeshow for Manufacturers)
Electronics New England Tradeshow (formerly Nepcon East) opened today at the Boston Convention Center. Reports from the crew were positive and attendance was better than expected – especially with the grey New England weather. David says, “…people seemed to visit in spite of this. This is really good because it shows that the old Nepcon […]