As reported in Healthcare IT News, the health care industry lags behind other industries when it comes to automation using bar code technology. This is not surprising, considering the complexity of patient care and safety. Automating health care processes not only improves the patient/caregiver experience, but also lead to greater patient safety and real cost savings. […]
Do You Need More From Your ID Card?
Today’s businesses across all industries are keenly aware of the need for security and efficiency to survive and thrive. These are the top two reasons that drive companies to look into ID badge systems. Advances in ID card technology allows for easy, flexible customized access control, identification, and tracking to protect your business. These same […]
Black is the New Black – for UID Labels
The majority of the UID labels we ship are either white or silver in colour. Sometimes this doesn’t make sense; for example, we have a number of clients manufacturing night vision or similar equipment. It clearly isn’t sensible to stick a bright coloured label onto these products, but they are still required to have the […]
Tools For Successful PTI Implementation
Fresh produce growers are familiar with the Produce Traceability Initiative and its goal to achieve supply chain-wide adoption of electronic traceability by the year 2012. But if you are unfamiliar with barcoding technology, then you might not know exactly what it is you need that will give you a complete tracking solution. PTI will require […]
PTI Outlines Format for Case Labels
If your goal is to implement the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) in your business, then you are aware of the industry-wide effort to create a process to trace produce cases throughout the supply chain. The PTI offers an implementation “toolkit” to help you reach your goal. On the PTI webpage you can find specifics about each one of […]