As well as being one of the class guys in the labeling business, Winco’s John Burke is known to be willing to try anything. So this weekend, tempted by a hat with horns and a promise of beer, John took part in Warrior Dash, New England, braving mud, fire, barbed wire and other obstacles! Looking […]
New from Teklynx – LabelView 9
It’s been a while since Teklynx released a new version of the popular label software LabelView so we were looking forward to version 9. From a quick look it seems to be a very solid update. As well as refreshing the look and feel of the app, Teklynx has taken the opportunity to bring in […]
What if your product had a recall? Can you respond quickly?
“Organizations such as manufacturers, food processors, and laboratories that make, process or test products which impact human health and safety are all experiencing increasing pressure to prevent defects and contamination and to respond with rapid recalls when problems occur. This pressure is coming from government agencies and from upstream customers who demand compliance with increasingly […]
Bar Codes Reduce Specimen Mislabeling
Bar coding is a reliable way to identify specimens. Printing and applying specimen labels at the point of care reduces the chance of labeling errors and improves patient safety.
V-Tag – Next Level RFID Tracking
Over the last few years, RFID technology has gotten to be pretty good at keeping track of assets – at least in terms of letting us know where they actually are. Our partners at InfinID Technologies (who are always thinking way too hard about things) have come up with a way to make RFID tracking much […]