On a recent inpatient stay in the hospital, I remember looking around to see the different ways labels were used to identify things, maybe keep track of things, information about correct equipment use and safety warnings. The labels on the equipment were mostly durable label materials with a linear barcode and human-readable text which I’m […]
Patient Wristband Barcodes – Pass
I recently had several visits to a Boston area hospital as a patient. I traveled through many departments along my way including blood lab, x-ray, and pre-op, and inpatient admission. During my stay, I noticed all sorts of labeled equipment and supplies in my room, the nurses station, and in testing areas. Not to mention […]
Should You Attend “Path to Labeling Success?”
With so many demands on your time, it may be hard to justify time out of the office to join us for our free event, “The Path to Labeling Success.” What will you learn? This event was designed in response to business challenges we see with our customers and have been able to help or […]
Get on the Path to Labeling Success!
Are you struggling with labeling issues? Do you need to control costs or better manage your inventory but aren’t sure where to start? Is counterfeiting a concern for your business? Then join us in Nashua, NH for another one of our popular and informative seminars all about barcoding and labeling. Our “Path to Labeling Success” […]
Tri-City Expo 2012 Manchester NH
Coming up on September 20th is the 2012 Tri-City Expo, right here in New Hampshire at the Radisson Hotel Expo Center in Manchester. This is the 24th time this event has been held and we will be there at the Winco ID booth. We’ll be showing how our label, barcode, photo ID and RFID solutions can […]