November 1, 2012 marks the start of Movember, a month-long campaign to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancers. Movember works to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge to increase […]
California May Lead the Way for More Food Labeling
On November 6, Californians will decide whether or not genetically engineered food should require labeling. If passed, Proposition 37 would require any raw or processed food made from genetically altered plant or animal ingredients to be labeled as such beginning July 1, 2014. The GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling for raw food products, like corn, […]
Cognex Dataman 9500 – Mobile Computer
You know, some barcodes are just hard to read – especially those low contrast direct part marked ones. while most barcode scanners are fine for use on labels, give them a DPM job to do and they are not happy. Companies such as Microscan and Cognex have been providing barcode scanners for these applications for […]
Motorola HC1 Headset Computer
The latest creation from Motorola Solutions is this Cyborg looking device – the HC1 Headset Computer. Designed to allow hands-free operation, this new device is intended for use in tough conditions where both hands are needed to do the job. The Motorola HC1 includes a small display/microphone unit – the display is supposed to simulate […]
Barcodes – do you verify?
Do you verify your linear barcodes? Let’s face it, most people don’t. Usually the best that happens is that the barcodes we print get a quick scan with a barcode scanner and if it beeps it ships. Thanks to the wonders of modern barcode reader technology, even poorly printed barcodes can be scanned and read […]