The series of DoD Military Labeling Seminars by Winco ID and our partners was well attended by a mix of companies from the Massachusetts and New Hampshire area.
One of the most striking things I picked up from Mr. John O’Brien, “the UID Guy,” is that the DoD spends a staggering amount of their budget on maintenance – somewhere over 50%. That’s just one of the reasons why it is so important that they get down to the unit level and be able to track the performance of each piece of mission critical and expensive equipment. The most important reason is to save the live of those who rely on that equipment. This creates “reliability” and “accountability.”
The Standards continue to evolve and change. Since 2004, there have been 5 revisions to MIL-STD-130. Each have been major. They are now happening at an expected rate of one per year. Getting in compliance is your first step. As these Standards change, you will need to “stay in compliance in order to get paid. If you are not in tune with changes and fall out of compliance, you will not get paid.
Following the 4-steps to compliance M V R C, will ensure your compliance success.
Most people were surprised to learn just how much data was involved. Those who were not surprised were the people who recognized the sample data and deal with it day to day.
There is a lot to Military Labeling and ensuring you will be paid. As John says, “Your company did not hire you to be a labeling expert. They hired you to be sure your labeling was correct.” Well said! Just call us.
For some companies,it has been a full year implementing a compliance program to ship their products. Others are planning ahead for when they will have to meet MIL-STD-129, MIL-STD-130 or UID requirements.
There is help out there for you if you are in to reading and digesting volumes of Standards, or have trouble identifying if you need to use RFID or UID.
Winco ID offers our “Demystify Military Labeling Seminar” throughout the year and the Northeast Region. For more information about our Seminar and the schedule, please visit us online or call us at 1-800-325-5260.