State of New Hampshire RFID Hearing
Here in NH, the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee is holding a hearing on the House Bill HB478 which intends to legislate on the use of RFID within the State. The hearing is scheduled for 1.30 PM on Monday March 9th.
As an integrator of RFID solutions, with our main office in New Hampshire, Winco ID has an interest on the outcome of this bill and how our business is likely to be affected in the future.
I was pleased therefore to get an invitation from the folks at EPC Global to attend the hearing with their industry coalition and (hopefully) get the opportunity to testify. There are several industry groups that will be represented so this should be really interesting.
Assuming I’m able to take my iPhone to the hearing (not sure this is allowed), I plan on making live updates to Twitter as things unfold. Check out @david_unique starting about 1.00 PM on the 9th.