Since our friends at Datamax-O’Neil acquired fellow printer manufacture, Source Technologies, the SourceTech printers are being re-branded as Datamax-O’Neil Performance Series.
This is going to be a great addition to the Datamax product line up which previously consisted of very solid models such as the M and H-Class which had evolved over the years without any exciting new features or ideas.
The Performance Line changes that and brings some innovations that I’ve wanted to see in the Datamax line for years.
PCL Printer Language – no more messing with DPL, IPL, DPL and all that proprietary nonsense that makes life difficult (I wish all printers used the same language – would make like much easier for integrators and users).
Self Loading, Auto Calibrating – a lot of label printers are a pain to thread the media (every tried to load the labels and ribbons on a Zebra Xi machine?) so this is a step forward. Here’s a SourceTech video showing the auto loading for the labels (complete with groovy soundtrack!)
Colour Touch Screen Display – the current Datamax printers look as though they should have had this feature included, but it never arrived.
Centerline Biased Label Path – I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to cheat and force the labels on one of my Datamax printers run in the middle of the printhead and not down the left hand edge. I’m really happy about this feature – see this Labeling News article from a few years ago on the topic.
Near Edge Printing – better for a wider range of labels and tags, self aligning, potential faster. Another innovation, I would have like to have seen long ago – see here!
Built Here in the USA – if this isn’t important to you, it should be!
Want to see one? We’ll have a near edge version of the Performance Line at our BarCodes & Baseball event that is coming up in Manchester, NH. There are still a few places open so check out the details and register here if you’d like to join us.
I’ll be putting together a Labeling News Review of the printer as soon as I get a chance as well.
The Datamax Performance Line is available for purchase right now, so if you have a need for a new label printer give me a call at 603-598-1553 x237 and we can figure out which is the best for your application.